Sweet Potato Gnocchi with Spinach Pesto

Fall is in the air, the trees are turning, the breeze is chilling – excluding the glorious, high 20s degree  weather this past weekend –  and the COVID cases are rising,  It feels like the perfect time to shelter in place and bury ourselves in the comfort of good home cooking, of substantial warming meals…

The Best Handmade Dishware

We eat with our eyes first – so says the ancient adage presumably coined by Apicius, a 1st century Roman gourmet and potentially the world’s first cookbook author.  With such historical thrust behind it, as well as a wealth of modern-day research and documentation of this phenomena, we can be fairly assured of this statement’s validity.   Some…

Coconut Panna Cotta

My first exposure to Panna Cotta came from Instagram where variations of the cream and gelatin-based treat have shown up increasingly on my feed.  The platform makes an ideal showcase for the simple but very photogenic Italian dessert. Every time I’ve seen one, moulded into a perfect cylinder or served elegantly in a glass, as…

Beefless Ravioli

I recently wrote nostalgically of an early food memory I have of Blueberry Muffins. Now it’s time for another food memory that I think a lot of us of a certain era may share. Did ya’ll eat a lot of the canned Chef Boyardee Ravioli as a kid? I certainly did. Along with Kraft Dinner,…